Mothers Rights
Mother's Rights - is a page dedicated to you, the Mothers, the Women, who care about the children.
There are hundreds of sites dedicated to Father's Rights and Men's Issues.
This site is the first dedicated to
Mother's Rights and Women's Rights.
All of the women.
- Women living with their children
- Women living apart from their children
- Women struggling to keep their families in tact
- Women fighting for custody of their children
- Grandmothers fighting to protect their grand children
- Second wives helping their husband's
All the children.
- The children of your womb, the children of your heart.
- The children you planned to have
- The children that surprised you
- The children you care for because they need you
- The children you got when you married again
Don't be left getting tossed around in world
with legal systems too busy and too powerful
to care about women and children. They say the
best way to judge the level of civilization of
a society is to observe how they care for
their children and women.I don't see any societies I would call too civilized.
Click here to go to the Links I have found to be very helpful.